Thursday, July 30, 2020

Students in Grades 4 through 12 will be required to wear a non-medical mask or cloth face covering while at school. Younger children will be encouraged, but not required, to do so.

that needs to be fought.

what if, as a parent, i find it revolting, humiliating, embarrassing and appalling to force my child to cover their face in public like a fucking religious idiot and refuse to do it?

and, let's be clear, here - there's no meaningful science underlying the idea that a hijab law (which is what this actually is. face the facts - your kids are being forced to wear religious gear at school.) is going to reduce the spread of anything amongst children except for self-confidence. this is not science; this is religion masquerading as science, and it's increasingly appearing as though it's actually a specific religion trying to enforce itself, underlying the issue.

if i had kids i would send them to school without face coverings and challenge the system to take me on. if they send the kids home that's fine - i'd rather home school them than send them to a fucking madrassa.

as it is, i find this law shameful, and it is just another reason that this government has given me to be ashamed and embarrassed about being an ontarian.

how do i get out of this collapsing society, that is heading into a dark age?