Saturday, March 19, 2016

claims to be opposed to fascism. votes for tpp-loving, carpet-bomb glorifying, anti-speech crusader hillary clinton.

La Berlinoise
nope. we vote bernie. bye felicia

+La Berlinoise
this is a setup. we're walking into an orwellian reality, where a fascist system is manufacturing consent of it's fascist policies by working people up against a paper strawman.

trump is an idiot. but, to claim that he is a fascist would suggest that he has an ideology, and that would be giving him too much credit.

the only fascist running in this election is hillary clinton.

the proper activist choice is to avoid co-operation by not voting. if the choice is hillary v trump, and the narrative is to vote for clinton to stop fascism, the only meaningful message you can send is that you refuse to take part in the charade.

and, that's all it is - a charade.

i'm a data analyst, and i want you to understand what i'm about to type. the only thing that bernie can accomplish within the democratic party over the next few months is to generate enough data to prove that the nomination process is rigged. i actually think he's already done this. i do hope that he runs as an independent, but, given the narrative that's developing, i'm not sure the process is going to be any more honest.