Saturday, March 19, 2016

j reacts to the republicans failing a prisoner dilemma on trump (as surface analysis)

"The longer Kasich stays in the race, the more it benefits Donald Trump," - ted cruz

see, if you had any doubt that this guy is an idiot....

ted. listen. if marco hadn't dropped out, he would have probably beat you in new york. and in new jersey. connecticut, as well. and in many other places, too. there are states on the calendar that you have absolutely no chance of winning.

what kasich does in these states is take trump down from 75% to 50%, or maybe a little lower.

the fact that kasich is splitting the anti-cruz vote is just about the only thing that cruz has going for him at all, at this point. even with that said, i don't really see anywhere where he can split enough of the vote to let cruz win. it's even a stretch in the rust belt (where cruz may very well poll third, and be ranked third by most kasich supporters).

it's bad enough that trump got a 5% bump from rubio dropping. at least kasich should be able to prevent him from clinching.

if kasich drops, at least half of his support will move to trump and trump will sweep the remaining contests. well, maybe cruz can win in wyoming or something, but the outcome will no longer be in doubt.

but, the republican establishment is not very smart. i said this a few days ago. can they win a prisoner's dilemma? cruz is failing over and over again, which is not surprising. he's a dolt. but, i really hope kasich understands the math well enough to know that dropping out is handing it to trump.