Wednesday, March 16, 2016

j reacts to the orwellian narrative developing in trump v clinton

so, it's becoming more clear what the narrative is setting itself up as.

trump is being set up as the villain. you need to vote away your rights to stop trump. the tpp might reduce you to a slave, but you'll vote for it because trump is scary. the security state is expanding, but you'll vote for it because trump said something mean about gay people.

they're ramping this up. and i just don't have time for it. but, if you were paying attention to what clinton did as secretary, this shouldn't be surprising. in fact, this kind of narrative is what you're going to get for the next eight years. it's all about distracting you with something scary to continue the slow enslavement of america. and, you'll be happy in your slavery, too.

the only way out is to not vote. i need to reiterate it. but, you have to see the situation for what it is, first.

trump is playing the role of the villain. clinton is here to save us. you need to make that deal with the devil, that hobbesian bargain, to sell yourself away for your own safety. it's all theatre. and you fall for it at your own peril.


in your rush to "stop fascism", you're going to elect a woman that all educated people realize is a fascist in waiting. veni, vidi, vici!. and, hey: you can count on her to get the trains to run on time. truly.

we're a little over thirty years late. but there it is. right out of orwell.

i'm voting for hillary clinton to stop fascism.

look at how absurd that statement is.

somebody meme this....

but, like i say: i'm tuning out. you might get the odd wry comment from me. the disinterested, sardonic observer. but, i have no attachment to this.