Wednesday, March 16, 2016

j reacts to hillary as liberal culture war general (as benedict arnold?)

hey, just a reminder: hillary clinton is not a pro-choice candidate.

she is on record, many times, over many years, as stating that she will put restrictions on access to abortion.

so, you might want to tone down the identity politics a little and take a closer look at what you're actually buying. you may be disappointed in what it actually is.

in fact, most of the reasons you might think you want to vote for her (out of fear) will not hold up to any real scrutiny on your behalf, if you bother to take the time to look into it.

she's not particularly keen on the gay, either, in fact.

nor does she particularly like black people. and i could rant for some time. but, hey. if you don't know this yet, what's the point....

if that's what this is being reduced to - identity politics, culture wars - i would really advise liberals to take a closer look at what they're supporting, whether actively or to stop the boogeyman. because she's actually not on your side of the culture wars. at all.

how about that support for capital punishment, too? geez, what a bleeding heart, huh?

trump wants to ban muslims from entering the country.

hillary wants to carpet bomb them in their own countries, then brag about there not being any military casualties.

you think hillary is less racist, somehow? amazing. you should get some kind of award for that.

she also supports mass deportations of illegal immigrants, btw.

you sure this is your horse in the culture war?