Wednesday, March 16, 2016

j reacts to what the supertuesday II results tell us about the fairness of the results (#2)

so, is the primary fair? how's the cognitive dissonance doing?

well, the night started off pretty poorly - with these huge head starts. "initial state", or whatever it was. i guess that these are absentee ballots, or early voting or whatever. and, we can see that these votes were disproportionately in favour of clinton, and that these leads came down dramatically over the night.

it's all very easy to explain and everything. older voters, and whatnot. but, we have to keep coming back to this thought experiment: if she was going to rig it...

it is what it is, right? you want to play the game, you have to play by the rules. a little irony, but it's life. he knew what he was getting into.

michigan proved that it is possible to overrun the ballot-box stuffing and win with brute force of high turnout, but it's hard to maintain and she can of course adjust.

florida was a little wider than the late polls suggested - albeit not a lot. she supposedly got 75% of the vote in miami-dade. that's a 90,000 vote win. and, so, what's the difference - a delegate?

chicago might seem more important. she probably won by stuffing boxes in chicago (with black people's names - see how this works? it's the democrats, folks. what did you expect?). but, it works out to a few delegates, at the end of it.

the question here was whether it was rigged, and again i think they tried to but they're only stuffing it enough to try and get across a media message - she wins. veni, vidi, vici. well, this is the right mindset with this woman, right.

so, she got enough ballots in illinois and missouri to swing the checkmark. and, she overcompensated in ohio.

but, the cheating is not really altering the race. or, not yet.

the antidote is higher turnout. you can only stuff so many ballot boxes. and, you can overpower any and every attempt to cheat with brute force - if you can get enough people out.

so, is it rigged? sort of. but, don't complain about it. run the limes, instead.