Sunday, January 28, 2018

yeah, i can't imagine the british signing up to a system that they pay into without have voting powers, given that they still like to pretend they're a colonial power. they couldn't deal with that.

i mean, they have a veto at the united nations. you're going to tell them they can't vote on cheese tariffs?

the canada-style deal is, indeed, the better option, but i don't agree that the single market is an indivisible idea. i don't see any reason why corbyn can't push for the free flow of labour, while denying the free flow of goods and capital. i mean, he's in opposition, he can be a little loud about something that might be hard to negotiate, right?

i think he might find that this liberal opposition he's facing is mostly concerned about britain losing it's cosmopolitan character, rather than about the economics of the situation. and, so long as demand settles, brexit shouldn't directly harm the british economy, once production relocates or transforms itself accordingly to meet demand. job losses is what the establishment always says when it's facing a backlash. we can't get rid of oil, because jobs. we can't get rid of war, because jobs. so why is it a surprise that we can't get rid of the eu, because jobs? and it shouldn't be a surprise when that turns out to be the same old contrived bullshit, either. jobs are created by demand...

britain was key in the industrial revolution, remember. this was a society that was built on the strength of exports to foreign markets (often opened with gun boats). but, if they're going to bring production back, maybe they can clean it up this time. and, maybe it could even act as a model for a new industrial revolution, to sustainability.

if i'm right, and the opposition to brexit is more cultural than economic, while the support for brexit is mostly economic, he can probably get away with opposing brexit on cultural terms and supporting it on economic ones, if he just focuses his agitation on that one point of maintaining free mobility, if he can win the argument that the real cause of migrants stealing jobs is employers that don't follow labour laws.

it's lonely out here on the left, sometimes. this probably sounds delusional, even if i'm right, as i usually am.

jagmeet singh must cut his beard.