Sunday, January 28, 2018

for those that don't follow british politics...

there was of course a liberal party in britain back in the day, from which both the canadian liberal party and the american republican party claim ultimate descent, with the republicans doing so through the whigs. the democrats can't really claim historical descent from the conservative party, but they have usually been more like conservatives than liberals. in traditional british politics, blue means right-wing (with it's monarchist tendencies) and red means left-wing (this is of the people), so long as we're not eating bread at the circus, in which case they're both the same, anyways..

somebody might get me on a technicality, but i believe that the last liberal prime minister of the united kingdom was neville chamberlin, who casual readers of history no doubt know solely through his fascist appeasement policies and subsequent declaration of war against germany in 1939. the brits never forgave him for this, and the liberals were replaced by labour - a socialist party - after the war. the early years of ingsoc had some positive influence in britain, as well - even if the most socialist thing they did was allow the empire to collapse without a fight.

the liberals sputtered for decades, after that, before merging with a smaller party in i believe the 80s to form the liberal democrats. but, this is basically the continuation of the party of gladstone. it's still there, man.

this is where the remainers ought to vote, if they want to uphold the neo-liberal status quo. and, it's rational. you want liberalism? vote liberal.

that should be the campaign slogan. at the end of the ads.

are you a liberal? then vote Liberal.

jagmeet singh must cut his beard.