Sunday, January 28, 2018

i think trudeau phrased that a little bit frighteningly.

"Sexual harassment is a systemic problem. It is unacceptable. When women speak up, it is our duty to listen to them"

great. perfect statement. every decent person in the world agrees with you. that's what a snazzy politician produces.

"...and to believe them."

gah. you just lost the room, man. i know your strategists are telling you one thing about the political usefulness of projecting feminism, if you want to claim this is feminism, but you've really got've got the entire political spectrum, save the hardest part of the pseudo-left, against you. and, worse, this pseudo-left is really feeding off of the corporate media, which is using the thing, however genuine, as a screen to get rid of people - i don't think it's a witch hunt, so much as i think there's a list, somewhere, and somebody's scratching names off of it. it's a purge. then, there's the opportunists, too.

i don't even completely disagree with him. i mean, sure, you should believe these women....if they're convincing. it's the implication of blanket belief that is rightfully drawing criticism from every direction on the spectrum. not because it's anti-feminist, but because it's inherently irrational.

i'm sure he'd clarify, if presented with an opportunity, that he was speaking in generalities, and not including the exceptions. but he said it in a way that...

either he's not being scripted closely enough, or he's not following it. he shouldn't have said that like that. that's going to freak people out.

it shouldn't, but it will.

but, flip past that and look at the response from the ministers - it's pretty much exactly what you'd want to hear a government say. they were clear to point out the need for due process.

the liberals are consistently legitimately good at governing. i'm way out here in left field, and i have the usual criticisms, but for capitalists? with all their flaws, true enough? there's a level of justified confidence in the party that i think pretty much every major industrialized country has lost, in their center-left.

jagmeet singh must cut his beard.