Friday, October 4, 2013

jessica amber murray
i've decided that if i ever have a child (i will never have a child, and what follows is a good reason why), i will give it the same first, middle and last names. so, if it ends up having last name 'murray' then it's legal name will be murray murray murray.

while that sounds sadistic, the aim is actually for the child to choose it's own name free of any kind of suggestion from me or my partner(s).

until such a decision is made, the convention will be to refer to the kid merely as 'kid'.

Kardinal ZG
Cool. You also played 'what-shall-i-name-my-kid-to-have-it-beaten-regularly'.

jessica amber murray
surely, the kid will figure out what to name itself before it ends up going to school.

Kardinal ZG
I admire your optimism. Not so much your sense of social tact.