Tuesday, October 29, 2013

ok, umm, what?

- it's well known that oxygen levels rose dramatically around 2 billion years ago as a result of life producing it as a waste product. the free oxygen in the atmosphere was mostly produced through this process.
- in fact, the oxygen levels became so high that they poisoned the existing life, causing a mass extinction.
- that clearly demonstrates that oxygen is not "required for life". what is a plant's reaction to oxygen?
- oxygen-metabolizing life forms then evolved from oxygen-emitting life forms as a response to all the poisonous oxygen in the atmosphere.

after reading this a few times, my best guess is that the scientist who did the study is specialized to the cambrian and was simply never taught about the oxygenation event.


most working scientists are nothing approaching a polymath. they know what they're taught, which is very narrow.

spare time is spent watching dumb sitcoms like every other idiot.