Sunday, November 10, 2013

neither, it's class war. the tories know that right-to-work is unconstitutional in canada. in fact, it's even being ruled unconstitutional in the united states - a constitution with a far less comprehensive bill of rights.

this is an idea that is dead in the water. the supreme court will strike it down. they know that!

they know it doesn't create jobs, too. they know it doesn't create investment.

dalton did the same thing with teachers last year. he knows he can't take away their collective bargaining rights. yet, he did it anyways. and why?

what it's about is opening a front against workers. it's a type of vulgar marxism that takes for granted that workers are in perpetual conflict with their bosses. if workers are fighting for basic union rights, they're not fighting for better conditions and higher wages. the fact that it's unconstitutional doesn't matter - by creating the diversion, it saps organizing energy away, and puts off more substantive issues.

it also follows that if you let them get away with this they'll launch another attack. and another. and another...

...just as it follows that if they don't open up the front, if they don't try and take rights away, they'll be forced into concession after another.

so, it's not about jobs. it's about class war.