Sunday, January 26, 2014

one of the dumber ideas i've seen intersectional politics promote as of late (and they keep coming) is the idea that state controlled arab media (al jazeera, al-arabiya) is a better source of information on the palestinian issue than independent, liberal jewish sources.

it's just an ethnic claim. sure, i'll admit there's some value in looking at a source like electronic intifada. but the qataris and saudis are more likely to repeat israeli propaganda than they are to do anything else. noam chomsky and naomi klein will provide an analysis that is more friendly to palestinians than the state media in the region will.

it's half ignorance, most people don't even know that al jazeera is state media, but when you strip the ignorance of the situation on the ground away, what's left is a type of inverted racism. the reality is that the most articulate, prominent, listened to voices on the issue are jewish academics that are revolted by the actions of the israeli state. people are doing the palestinians a disservice by ignoring them in search of arab voices, controlled or not....