Monday, April 14, 2014

they would be far more useful as compost.

it's the second-best idea of what to do with dead people, though.

You're not suppose to use meat in compost.

amateurs shouldn't, due to risk of bacteria. experts know how to deal with that.

i mean, the idea here is that they're being burnt anyways, so why not get the energy? but the organic material is far more valuable, and burning it away is really downright dumb.

Bravo NovemberHotel
Something to consider in our nuclear times is that man is on the top of the food chain and we use to live relatively a long time. That means we accumulate radioactive atoms and it is not a very good idea to use our bodies as organic material (to grow food at least). For the same reason it is not a good idea to burn it either. The old concrete grave is probably the best option. Sad, a little exaggerated maybe, but who knows?

um, no, you're about as wrong as could possibly be. humans are not particularly radioactive to begin with, but if we were then what makes you think we would be less radioactive than apples or cows? it's the same environment. so, your concern is fantastical to begin with, but if it wasn't then your analysis would be incoherent and your suggestion would be irrational.

i'm not interested in supernatural hokey-pokey. the whole religious aspect of this is too stupid to justify further comment.

graves were useful at one time because they sequestered disease. we're kind of past that, though. worse, our increasing population (due in large part to hygienic practices) has rendered that organic material more valuable.

buried bodies eventually become compost for the grass in the cemeteries, but it takes a very long time for that process to happen. nor is that grass feeding anybody. you'd have to wait for it to go all the way through the food chain, round and round in circles. it's both wasteful and inefficient.

in fact, it's so wasteful and inefficient that it acts as a sink. we have an upcoming food crisis. i don't want to exaggerate by suggesting that burial and cremation are a cause of this crisis, or that we'll starve if we don't reverse the sink, but this is a known solution that we're not likely to find ourselves with the luxury to ignore.

so, get used to it.