Sunday, April 20, 2014

this is good, but i wish he would have said something about the continued existence of export-driven agri-economies. the standard and united fruits are not the force they once were, but it's that sort of thing that's still going on. he's talking about it like there is no industry, but there is in fact a significant one, it's just very much a plantation style export model. given everything he's saying about the oil, it's a really ridiculous set up. but venezuela has always been and remains a colonial state....

this works into the environmental aspect, in the sense that local production reduces the need for transport. it's maybe a difficult topic. but if the whole world "raises itself up" to the level where it looks at agricultural work as slavery then we're all going to starve to death. rather, we need to reclaim the honor inherent in feeding people. we need to decolonize together.