Thursday, June 12, 2014

i managed to keep the roaches out more or less completely over the winter, i don't think i saw more than two, but they're back now with the warmer weather. it's not at an infestation level, it just seems like they're freely entering from outside. but, if i don't find a way to close the entry path, i'm really asking for trouble.

they're the asian species, which means they'd actually rather be outside. the asians don't usually infest, they just come inside looking for water. but, they bring the most bacteria with them because they either come up through the pipes from the sewer or they come in under the wall from the yard, where they're known to eat various kinds of animal feces.

so, while they may not want to stay here, they're filthy disease carriers while they're in here.

i'm going to rip the stove away from the wall today and see if there's any way i can block the entrance points. foam. steel wool. whatever. the only way to really kill them off would be with a community-based program; i could spray everywhere in here and kill every single one that's in here, but if they're breeding freely next door (or in the sewers) then it's just a waste of effort. knowing that isn't likely, the key has to be to keep them from coming in.