Tuesday, August 19, 2014


i'm basically never going to buy fresh meat ever. i don't want it in the house. and i've been phasing out the bit of salami i temporarily had in my diet, reducing my primary protein source to eggs - which is what it's been for most of the last 15 years.

but, if i were going to buy meat, and you put halal meat beside otherwise unmarked meat at the same price, i'd actually probably get the halal meat. it's not because it underwent some kind of lunar ritual, or because i'm interested in the rules in leviticus (or wherever the rules are). it's because i would understand that this is meat that was butchered with an intent to cause the animal the least amount of pain possible.

when you consider the other option of factory farmed meat, where animals are literally put through meat grinders while they're still breathing, i couldn't imagine any human worthy of the term (i'm allowing some cross-species discussion, here) choosing the factory farm meat. to freak out and go on all kinds of racist tirades about it isn't even really maddening - it's just depressing.

how about we start marketing non-halal and non-kosher meat as MAXIMUM PAIN INFLICTED. fuck it, it would probably develop a market amongst you bloody savages...