Friday, October 24, 2014

the idea that this is an isis plot to kill stephen harper is nothing short of hilarious. you're looking at two realistic scenarios:

1) false flag. most likely.
2) crazy person being crazy.

i'm initially from ottawa, and i'm opposed to the state putting guards in front of the war monument - or armed soldiers in any public space at all. that's a fairly widely held view. but, obviously, few people are sanctioning that kind of response.

in fact, the name actually sounds familiar. i wouldn't read into this at all. but, if you're going to, i think you're probably dealing with a self-described libertarian (but, in reality, crazy person being crazy) rather than a muslim extremist.

expect a stronger canadian response in syria than has been the norm in canada since the second world war (excluding the gulf war, i suppose).

that war in the middle east is on the brink of boiling over into wwIII, with nato forces directly fighting against russian and iranian ones. the canadian people won't be told this. but, the canadian government is expected to take this conflict seriously.