Monday, November 3, 2014

see, this is the problem.

female: i don't like this.
male: actually, you do like this.
female: no...really....i...
male: actually...!

every debate on the topic basically reduces to this. and it's basically pointless to bother further when it gets there.

but, i'll tell you what - maybe he has a point. maybe women gotta pop a few caps in some homies' asses to get 'em to shut the fuck up.

(deleted response)

you hit a specific point, and now i need to rant.

patriarchy exists in degrees, rather than in absolutes. most of the world doesn't sell their daughters off for business alliances anymore, but the general idea hasn't been abolished so much as it's evolved. i'm not really certain people are cognizant of this.

it's a liberal thing. daddy as family dictator is out the window; we're about self-ownership, now. but we never changed the game. we never even really changed the rules of the game. the fundamental relationship of women being sold to men is still dominant (it's changing, but it is), it's just that women are now expected to sell themselves.

what it does is open up a free market, where men are buyers and women are sellers. i believe it was engels that pointed out that all sexual activity in a market society is necessarily and unavoidably prostitution.

and, when you put it into that context i agree - gender egalitarianism is not entirely possible until women start buying in equal proportions. that's what gender equality means in a market society.

the conditions for that to occur are economic freedom and social acceptance. it's getting there. but that's the key part - evening out the market.

maybe, one day, we can abolish the market altogether. that's a different discussion.