Saturday, February 21, 2015

that's a good analysis on the eu in the latter part of the show, i just want to connect the dots a little.

it seems crazy to call the eu "socialist". but you have to understand that the audience doesn't understand what the word means. "socialist" = "bad guys". it's not a political or ideological debate, it's just a smear tactic. they might as well be calling them "poopyheads", it carries as much depth in the discourse. what the british right dislikes about the eu is the same thing that the american right dislikes about the un - it's seen as a threat to what they call "sovereignty", which is in fact their ability to remain rogue states.

you see the same thing in the u.s., where you have these establishment spokespeople like alex jones labeling everything they don't like as "socialism". there's no meaning to it. it's built on cold war propaganda, activating this latent distrust of the red menace and whatnot.

so, you're not going to get anywhere trying to make sense of it. it's absurd, but it doesn't matter. and, perhaps a moment's reflection on how unfortunate the situation is is worthwhile, given the resources that the anglosophere continues to control.