Saturday, April 4, 2015

you know, it's really remarkable. it doesn't matter what the policies are. it doesn't matter what the evidence is. the reality is that obama has deported more immigrants than any other president, and by a large order of magnitude. when he says he's putting more staff at the border to keep the kids out, his record supports that.

the media doesn't care. it's stuck in these reagan-era narratives. to the media, obama is walter mondale.

that's scary for two reasons.

1) it suggests that the narrative is fixed. that is, that the media will not allow the two party system to change. not even when the narrative has nothing to do with reality.
2) because the narrative is fixed, the perspective will never change, regardless of the policies. that gives both parties free hands on certain concerns, that everybody will just flat out ignore.

it's really remarkable. it really is.