Wednesday, June 17, 2015

this is a total straw man argument. this is why we throw around words like cis - because we have no desire whatsoever to infringe on your identity, no matter how much you want to fantasize about us raping you. which is why we chemically castrate ourselves, right?

hear that, guys? best way to get the chicks into you is to castrate yourself. they love that. that's right: bitches love castration.

here's the thing: try being born with a penis and showing up to work just with hair. forget the rest of it. the dominant society can't even get beyond hair length. i have to be a macho idiot in order to get a job in a fucking call center, whether i like it or not. and, you want to talk about being a fake? it's not for my benefit. honestly. it's to get the rest of the world to not place expectations on me that i am entirely incapable of living up to - and completely disinterested in trying to, and failing at.

and, frankly, i don't care about some hypothetical future two hundred years from now, after my corpse has been picked clean by insects and my bones are starting to break down under the weight of massive flooding from carbon emissions. if we were immortal, you'd have a valid argument. in infinite time, we'll get it right! unfortunately, we're all going to live our entire lives within a dominant patriarchal reality, and we're all going to have to find a way to learn to live with it, somehow. your critique is consequently about as relevant to reality as a discussion of jumping into the matrix, travelling through time (although this has been pretty much ruled out, anyways) or quantum computing. i'm going to live in the here and now, thanks, and it means adjusting to the reality that exists, not fantasizing about one that is generations and generations away from any realistic thought of application. you're completely failing the is/ought problem.