Friday, August 7, 2015

get real.

trudeau made it crystal clear that he has no business running for this job. he came off as a wind-up doll repeating pre-programmed catch phrases. the traditional target audience for the liberal party has never reacted to that kind of candidate with anything less than utter contempt. there's a small base on the left that will fall for this (layton tapped into it) and a slightly larger base on the right (harper has tapped into it), but in order to win like that you have to set the entire concept of the "liberal brand" on fire.

that debate made it clear that liberals will vote for mulcair in large numbers. mulcair had the subtle, centrist policy nuances that liberals have traditionally fallen all over themselves over - he transcended the slogans and catchphrases. wherever trudeau is able to draw support from, it will not be from traditional liberals.

his answer to the question "can canada act militarily outside of the un?", or whatever it was, likewise set fire to the liberal party's traditions. the answer a liberal is supposed to give to that is "no".

i literally laughed out loud when he said "my number is nine!". i thought he was going to say something about gordie howe, or maybe go into a loop while strange static noises and burbles rose up around him.