Sunday, August 16, 2015

there were no extremist islamist groups opposing israel until the 80s. that took 40 years to develop, as a reaction to the israelis' continued insistence on asserting religion as the basis of the conflict.

it's hard to get rid of these things entirely, once they're started.

but, if you want the palestinians to stop resisting on religious grounds, the first thing to do is to stop differentiating against them on religious grounds. when you walk into an area and say "people of this religion have all of the rights, people of this other religion have none of them", then what would one expect besides resentment fuelled by religion?

i don't want to take these groups off any lists. they're not groups that the west should support or interact with. but, they didn't come out of nowhere. and, they will fade away if the root causes of their existence are addressed.