Tuesday, September 29, 2015

i went to a concert tonight, and am watching the debate now.

i think muclair started off very strong. i like the fact that he pointed out the need to cut arms supplies - that's so incredibly important. trudeau has come on a lot stronger. that response about his father is...it's going to be polarizing, but it may end up successful.

the c-51 exchange is also key, but i think a lot of pundits may miss it. this is the first time i've seen trudeau go into the proper explanation on how the ndp are actually playing this, and the response mulcair provided was pure death.

"that's not true. i never used the term 'police state.'"

the condescension. the contempt. it's remarkable. we've got a trudeau running, and i'm calling somebody else arrogant; arrogance, thy name is thomas mulcair.


Want me to tell ya who won ?

What concert did ya see ?

jessica murray
it was a house show in windsor featuring a flying lotus and chick corea influenced hip-hop/jazz artist from toronto called sly why and a math punk duo from new york called noxious foxes.

there's a part about 2/3rds of the way through the debate where mulcair realizes he's lost.