Saturday, September 5, 2015

this is the kind of vague, substanceless fluff that the ndp have spent the last ten years accusing the liberals of. i don't know if i'd say it's useless enough to turn people off, exactly. but, it's certainly not going to convince anybody.

Propaganda Con Job
It's too bad Mulcair is boycotting the largest Consortium debate, broadcast on the 3 major TV networks, seen by the most Canadians.

Like Harper, Mulcair likes to push propaganda Con Jobs,

but they don't like to debate their questionable policies with the oposition leaders, in front of Canadians.

Karen Lund
Without Harper in the debates. the center/left is left with debating was is different in their platform which is minor and divisive compared to the corruption and fascist leaning of the conservatives. Job#1 is to get rid of Harper and get back Canada. Dividing the center/left plays into his agenda.

Propaganda Con Job
there are big differences in the Liberal & NDP platforms. Mulcair needs to be a man and show up.

Mulcair's promise to lower the threshold for Quebec to separate and Canada to break up, is not minor.

I believe Canadians would be very interested in Mulcair's response to the Bloc, since Mulcair has been evasive with Trudeau, in answering his pro-separation policy.

Trudeau, May & the Bloc are willing to show up and demonstrate what a looser Harper is for ducking questions, but Mulcair shows he's just as conniving.

If Job#1 is too get rid of Con artists, then Mulcair needs to show up.
But because Mulcair is also a Con artist like Harper, he hides in the shadows with him.

Mulcair took the "D" out of NDP.

Jessica Amber Murray
let's drop the chauvinism, please. you can make your point without it.

mulcair has not given me a lot of reasons to think he'd be very different than harper. see, and what's worse is that i'm entirely aware that he's done that on purpose - he's running as harper, because he seems to think that running as harper is the way to win the election. which suggests that he seems to think we actually want to carry on with harper.

i'm consequently not currently feeling much of a drive to vote strategically. it's actually left me rather cynical about the process. the ndp base has worked pretty hard to present an alternative to canadians, and in the end the party leadership has taken that away from us and given us a carbon copy of harper.

my comment was related to the ad. i've already made up my mind that i'm not voting for this party. but, i don't know who this is targeted at, besides perhaps a certain subset of the senior vote that harper currently owns.