Friday, October 9, 2015

pics or it didn't happen.

i'm just trying to piece together the chain of logic, and not really getting it. is he trying to make a fashion statement?

now, if he was trying to make a point, what he'd have to do is show up to a citizenship ceremony with a confederate flag wrapped around his face. would he be denied access to the ceremony? i somehow doubt it. they may ask him to make a little space for his mouth, so they can see he's saying the oath.

and, even then, what's his point?

that said.

and in fairness.

where does this "wearing a disguise with intent" law come from? is it a felony? does intent need to be proven, here? can he get off if mens rea is disproven? was this law written in the nineteenth century?

"while my client admits to wearing a disguise, we believe it is clear that there was no intent, and we request that the charges be reduced to wearing a disguise in the second degree."

ok. ok. it's wearing a disguise with commit a crime.

...and it seems to be the anti-mask protesting law that the conservatives brought in. i remember that.

but, this is neither a riot nor an unlawful assembly.

listen: it's obviously a goofy thing to do. i don't want to stand up for him, exactly. but, he's got a pretty good case that the law is unconstitutional.

lots of irony, here.

i'm a little bit wrong. the anti-mask bill was built on top of existing legislation. love the internet era.

Possession of break-in instrument

351. (1) Every one who, without lawful excuse, the proof of which lies on them, has in their possession any instrument suitable for the purpose of breaking into any place, motor vehicle, vault or safe under circumstances that give rise to a reasonable inference that the instrument has been used or is or was intended to be used for such a purpose,

(a) is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding ten years; or

(b) is guilty of an offence punishable on summary conviction.

Disguise with intent

(2) Every one who, with intent to commit an indictable offence, has his face masked or coloured or is otherwise disguised is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding ten years.

i sincerely hope this goes to the supreme court.