Sunday, November 29, 2015

are americans really so sheltered and juvenile that this is a big deal?

what the fuck did you expect him to say?

or, let me guess.

the movement to ban rodgers for the year is being driven by parents concerned for a safer minneapolis.

It's just something that doesn't happen often on television.

+Kolza no, i think i get it. it's just liberation, right? you can taste some abstraction of freedom in this, under the heavy burdens of day-to-day social censorship, and you're exhilarated by it.

but, don't suppress it further. be inspired. throw caution to the wind. live. be real.

it will be monday morning in but 24 hours. march right in there and tell your boss to fuck off. and throw your hands to the sky when you do - feel that surge of freedom.