Monday, January 18, 2016

sept 4, 2011

yes, i was rooting for clinton in '08. exclusively. barry struck me as a conservative from day one.

of course, i'm from canada. bernie sanders would be a moderate up here.

i remember watching hillary on tv when i was a kid. i remember the work she did with trying to get some health reform through.

...and she struck me as genuine. real.

are we talking about the same hillary clinton?

we actually might not be.

regardless, those images stuck in my mind. i conceive of her as a fighter, somebody with a conscience, and that's rare in politics.

are we talking about the same hillary?

we actually might not be.

she didn't even hold an office at the time, besides that of first lady. yet, she was spending all of her time trying to get humanitarian legislation pushed through congress, feed starving kids and end wars. why? for her legacy? her husband's? it didn't seem that way, and i don't think it was. it seemed like she was just driven by a desire for positive change.

...and that's very rare in politics.

are we talking about the same hillary?


(edit: i just love that i pulled out bernie sanders, of all the people i could have picked. i could have picked kucinich, for example.

it's true, though.

in canada, obama would be widely seen as a conservative, hillary would be seen as a right-wing liberal and bernie sanders would be pretty much dead center. in fact, jill stein would be barely left of center.)