Monday, January 4, 2016

so, now that we have a history again, maybe we should have a little talk about the left. what is the left, actually?

see, during the period where we erased history, the media seemed to have effectively discarded the left, and i think the result is that the establishment completely lost touch with it. we're past the point where the media is suppressing the left. we're to the point where the media is legitimately clueless as to what the left even is, and mentally categorizes it with conspiracy theorists and nineteenth-century reenactment ceremonies.

so, the basic split on the left that's developed is between a broad concept called "anarchism" and a broad concept called "marxism". people tend to categorize these in terms of their approach to authority, but i think this is kind of imprecise and can lead to bad assumptions. i think the better way to separate anarchism from marxism is in it's approach to knowledge: anarchism is analytic, whereas marxism is synthetic. debates take various forms, but almost always really reduce to this question.

and, then there's the fucking hippies and they drive us both insane, because they reject epistemology altogether. that's not to say that the insights of a smart hippie aren't worth contemplating. the world does need strict philosophers, whether the producerists like it or not. but, most of the hippies are not smart, and it's really that point that drives us both insane. a smart critique of science can be valuable; it's outright rejection is utter stupidity.

there's also the liberals, although sometimes they call themselves libertarians. these are people that accept the broad concepts of the left, but are lost in the delusion that market theory can help us get to those goals. arguments with liberals are usually about economics.

trying to wade their way through this, exist the establishment leftists - and these people really aren't leftists, and shouldn't be confused with them.

i mean, i can't write you a fundamental treatise on the contemporary left in a hidden youtube comment. but, that's a decent memo, at least.