Sunday, February 21, 2016

i just created and deleted a "normal" google+ profile trying to find an old notifications list for the now almost wiped down dtk page.

so, i got the old

"why don't you want to use google+?" page.

because i don't have any friends. why do you think i spend so much time on the internet?

and, you know, even if i did, what are the chances that i want to read somebody else's feed?


cat pictures and pseudo-science. i'm jumping at the opportunity, guys. really. reading my facebook feed was the best way i've ever spent my time. honestly.

i'm all about sending information out!

but, if you're cia and you're into tracking me? i've been clear about this on repeated occasions. it's real easy. i know nobody. i have no friends. i have no acquaintances. and i have no interest in meeting friends or building acquaintances, because i'm a bitter, misanthropic loner. cool?

now, give me access to my notifications...

the other option is that i need to go through my view history video-by-video. and, see, here's the thing: i will actually do this. really.