Sunday, March 27, 2016

it's been converted into a fashion trend, which will be it's own death knell once a new fashion trend appears. in the meantime, the kids are just looking for an excuse to copy the new trend. this is this year's party. next year, it will be some other thing.

it's frustrating that you still have all these people that think they can co-opt the media using it's own methods, only to repeatedly come face-to-face with movement collapse precisely *because* they tried to use those methods. by now, you'd think these lessons would be learned. but, leftists are not good at learning lessons. far too many of us seek our answers in a theory and are unwilling to adjust to evidence as it comes in.

they're not ideologues. they're not zealots. in fact, if you talk to them, you'll find out that a lot of them are centrist conservatives (although they may not realize it). they're just sheep following the latest fashion trend.

so, the facts in the case don't actually matter. what matters is being in the right place and having the right slogan on your tshirt.