Tuesday, March 22, 2016

j reacts to the narrowing of the field just helping trump (kasich is the better horse)

cbs february poll:

trump: 35
cruz: 18
kasich: 11
rest/undecided/whatever: 35

cbs march poll:

trump: 46
cruz: 26
kasich: 20
undecided/whatever: 8

it split. pretty cleanly. 10 points each.

if rubio was still running, trump would be hovering around 40 instead of around 50. and, if kasich drops he'll be hovering around 60 instead of around 50.

and, this is national. trump will get another 10+ point bump in the northeast.

if you're voting for kasich at this point, you're pushing back against two very strong factors:

1) the establishment is 100% behind cruz. which is going to backfire any moment, now. he'll win in utah. he may get crushed in arizona, as the anti-establishment vote abandons him and moves to trump.
2) the peer pressure is entirely behind trump. that's where you go, right now, if you're into mindlessly following the herd.

that means you must be pretty independent-minded, that you must have ideas of your own.

the second choice candidate of john kasich supporters is probably hillary clinton.

resist the pressure, john. keep fighting. you're the only thing stopping trump from winning the nomination.


the banks have put their support behind an unelectable candidate.

if they want to defeat trump, they need to drop cruz immediately and back kasich. there is a non-zero chance that, if they do that, kasich can win the big northeast states and take it to the convention. trump will demolish cruz in these states, one-on-one.


the person responsible for this mess appears to be cruz' wife. that's where the finger pointing should be directed.


otherwise, it's plan F.