Thursday, April 14, 2016

j reacts to government restrictions on personal autonomy [the right to death]

i don't know who the government is trying to appeal to in placing these kinds of restrictions on access to death.

it's really simple, guys. it's my body. i get to decide what to do with it. not subject to a series of tests, but in an absolute and inalienable sense.

i believe that the following is true: if i do not have the absolute and inalienable right to die on my own terms, then i do not have any rights at all.

i look forward to the supreme court throwing this out and sending it back to the house for a more liberal interpretation. this is not good enough.

my body, my choice.

let's rewind back to the initial liberalization of abortion. it came with a set of clauses that we mostly all can't even understand anymore. in time, the entire debate was thrown out the window. we see it today as an inalienable choice that can never be interfered with.

i don't know why the government is bothering to slow down the process. it does not show prudence, or good judgement. it merely shows a lack of foresight.

the issue will be in the courts again within days of passing into law. hopefully, the next minister gets it right.