Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Jill Stein has no more serious qualifications to be POTUS than Donald Trump. The Presidency is NOT an entry level position. Sure, disgruntled Bernie followers can vote for Stein and help elect Donald Trump. No, this isn't about a lesser of two evils either. This is about a bigot, Trump, running against Hillary Clinton who is one of the most experienced and qualified candidates to run for the Presidency. It's all swell to give these academic holier than thou lectures about our democracy. But this is the real world where a vote for Stein is a vote for Trump. That is reality.If nothing else remember the future of the Supreme Court is up for grabs. Think long and hard before casting a protest vote.

Carls Pen
You're right, just look what happened in the 2000 election and see how well that worked out. If the people in this country would take the time to really understand our history they might stop making the same stupid mistakes over and over again.

let's explain for those to young

Ralph Nader ran as a liberal third party candidate vs Gore and Bush, thus ensuring Bush's victory.
Nader's followers kept saying "there's no difference between Gore and Bush."


i still don't think there would have been any difference between gore and bush except in public perception. so, when gore invaded iraq, he wouldn't have generated the same kind of protests.

No, no, no dtk. There is a world of difference between Gore and Bush. We *know* that Bush invaded Iraq. We don't *know* that Gore would have invaded. Why did Bush invade? Oil. You are aware, I presume, that the only ministry protected was oil? And that VP Cheney was CEO of Hallibuton. Gore would not have had the oil interests pushing for invasion.

And of course Bush is lauded for his concern for the environment. (sarcasm)

well, we know that gore supported the sanctions under the clinton regime, and no doubt thought that the price of hundreds of thousands of dead children was worth it. your argument that gore was less beholden to oil interests is simply not upheld by any evidence.
