Friday, June 10, 2016

j reacts to tea party republicans for bernie sanders?

see, this is typical vox propaganda.

there has, in fact, been rigorous polling - going back decades - that demonstrates that tea-party type republicans are strongly supportive of government programs like medicare. remember: in the era that sanders is representing, this was the democratic party base. they lean right on social issues like abortion, gay rights, gun control - but they're very much in favour of government services.

that's about class. again.

it's no secret that trump is unpopular amongst republican women, either. that's not really identity politics, though. i mean, listen to the guy. it's easy to understand why republican women are less than happy about the prospect of trump winning, and maybe a little irritated by anything that would help it along. you'll no doubt get the same reaction from republican hispanics.

it's not lazy journalism. it's corporate-financed and driven social engineering.

yeah. snicker. i know. but, underneath the confusion is support for medicare, for veterans, for social security - they just lack the education to be able to articulate themselves.

i hadn't thought of this before. i figured sanders was mostly swinging anti-war libertarians. but, bernie sanders is actually exactly what the tea party needs.

"A recent poll by Lake Research shows that 82 percent of all Americans oppose cuts to Social Security, including 83 percent of Democrats, 78 percent of independents, 82 percent of Republicans — and, in one of the most startling findings of all, fully three-fourths of all self-described Tea Party members (74 percent). (Social Security Works has a video and a petition on this subject.)"