Friday, June 24, 2016

News Flash left-wingers...calling people fascist, racist, and bigots does not work.

so, what if i call hitler a fascist? is that just an empty ad hominem?

let me guess. godwin's law, right?

i think the more important lesson for the left is that you can't argue with fundamentalists. rather, you have to make sure they just don't happen.

what's the cause of this? thatcher destroyed the education system in britain, and nobody did anything to rebuild it.


Free movement was not possible before, UK has never been a part of Schengen... I live in Europe and have visited the UK several times. Trade benefits will be worked out in Britain's favor, they are one of the strongest economies in the world. The UK has already benefitted from leaving, the pound has decreased in value and as an export country that is great news. Any other arguments I can demolish for you?

do you really think the uk is still an export economy?

i guess that's what happens when you use fifty year old textbooks in high schools.

First of all, the UK is not a country. It consists of four nations, England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. Second, the UK export of 2015 was $503 billion, which is the 9th largest in the world. So definitely still an export country. You're not that Sharp are you?

it's a 3 trillion dollar economy that's entirely reliant on imports. there were conscious government policies to deindustrialize. the capacity to return to an export economy does not exist. this guy thinks he still lives in the empire. but, it's exactly what the problem is: mass ignorance about the reality of the uk economy in the current century, as a consequence of a horribly broken education system.


while that claim is not going to actually come out in the numbers (rather, we will learn that conservative voters rejected the pleas of david cameron, which is why he has resigned), i think a moment of pause is required to point out that a big part of what has allowed for the rise of the ukip is the political vacuum created by new labour's swing to the hard right. euro-skeptic parties throughout europe have taken certain economic positions that are usually associated with the left and have been able to gain traction as a consequence of there not really being an actual left.

the mainstream parties are starting to adjust by reorienting themselves, but the damage may already be done. and, yes - trump is somewhat of the same phenomenon.

if you fear trump, you should take brexit as an ominous signal. the root causes are the same: thatcherism in britain, reaganism in the united states. you claim americans could not be so stupid? note that the british just proved they are that stupid, whether by accident or by design.


see, what's happening here is that toza doesn't like being called a racist because it hurts his feelings. he'd prefer a more politically correct term, like "integrationally challenged".


Broke Ass Dollar Store Ellen
calling racist people racists? how dare we!

all this political correctness making it hard for racists to be bigots without consequences, boo-hoo-hoo.

you need to be a lot more sensitive about their feelings. a difficulty accepting others is something that can be disabling on a day-to-day basis, which just exacerbates their existing problems. they need hugs.