Monday, July 25, 2016

a correlation is developing: trump's numbers consistently go up when terrorist attacks happen, and then fade when it's quiet. he consistently beats her on national security in polls. that might be the wild card that decides the election. and, if they figure it out, it might be the october surprise.

that part is actually clear to me. the convention was a mess. he didn't get a bump from that.....

he got a bump from the munich attack.

what's a little less clear to me is whether this is emotional or intellectual. the fact that he fades when things get quiet seems to suggest that people are kneejerking. they see an attack, they get mad, they say they want to vote for the guy that wants a muslim ban. but, then once their fruit fly length memory wipes it out, they come to their sense and realize it's a bad idea.

are they actually going to do it? what factors will work them up enough to actually pull the trigger on it? and, what's the antidote?

it's a dangerous situation, certainly.