Tuesday, July 26, 2016

there was an episode of the simpsons in the 90s, where they did a parody of the x-files....

but, this is what they're running, i think. they want to play down the political differences between the candidates and turn it into a popularity contest. remember: hillary is apparently unaware of the fact that she's not widely loved.

the thinking, though, is that if you can take the issues off of the table - or minimize them - then it gets reduced to a no-brainer decision: trump is batshit crazy and she's just a little bit crazy.

two reasons why i think they're doing this. first: she always does this. it doesn't matter who her opponent is. bernie opposes the tpp? she opposes the tpp. weasel language, but nonetheless. abortion drives the gop base? they bring a pro-life vp in. it's the tactic she always uses. second: it's actually kind of true. they are basically the same candidate, except she's a little less crazy. or at least seems that way. for the first three seconds...

i'm not convinced it's a sure loss. i mean, she doesn't have a lot of better options. she can't be alienating the moderate right. that is a sure tactic to lose, because she is going to certainly bleed on the left.

she needs some kind of sugar, there. i don't know the best way to do it...