Wednesday, August 3, 2016

j reacts to the election as a choice between catastrophes

i was thinking about it as i was walking, and this is my perception of things.

1) trump is a near certain apocalyptic disaster on the economy. not on trade, but on taxes. it's less the problem of putting the country bankrupt (that can't happen...) and more the problem of defunding institutions. i don't think he understand the importance of government funding and interference in the economy, or what would happen if that were to stop. hillary is in theory a better pick on the economy.

2) hillary is a near certain apocalyptic disaster on foreign policy. she's going to bomb syria. she's going to start a war in eastern europe, and try and blame it on russia. she might start a war in korea, too. trump is in theory a better pick on foreign policy.

so, as a left-leaning voter (i'm not actually a voter....), i'm left with the following choice:

1) is trump such a potential economic catastrophe that it's worth voting for hillary and the escalation of world war three into a possibly nuclear hot conflict? or..

2) is hillary such a potential foreign policy catastrophe that it's worth voting for jill stein and gambling on the country collapsing into glasnost?

i'm currently leaning strongly towards the second option.

if trump wins, you're looking at serious long term economic consequences that are probably unavoidable.

if hillary wins, you're looking at world war three.