Friday, August 12, 2016

wait. so, the bush housing crisis is obama's fault?

this is the same kind of argument they throw around about climate change. in order to fall for it, you'd have to be literally twelve or just mentally twelve...

but, i mean, how many republicans are mentally twelve?

i won't be bothered. but, wow.

Mak Muk Was Right
It's funny because the graph he holds up shows a housing bubble and then a recovery from the housing bubble. He is painting the recovery from Bush's housing bubble as a bad thing. Totally stupid and he simply embarrasses himself more and more every day.

this isn't stupidity, it's dishonesty.

You gotta keep in mind, that during Bill's presidency he started deregulating Wall Street in the 90's, he set the ball in motion Bush just simply carried out the Legacy

you can blame it on bill, or you can blame it on the congress, who had a supermajority. it doesn't really matter anymore or have any effect on how startlingly dishonest this is.

obamas fault after he become president. not only that, he didn't do anything to fix it.

but, "fixing" it means allowing the bubble to burst. the problem was that banks were lending to people who couldn't afford to pay their mortgages off. i don't want to say that home ownership rates were too high, because then i'm buying into the dishonest presentation. but you can't just hand out mortgages like welfare checks. that's why the curve flew out of control, which is why the economy collapsed in 2008.

again - your only excuse for falling for this is if you're too young to remember what happened. the only other way you fall for this is if you just don't understand what he's saying.

i don't actually think that increasing home ownership rates is a worthwhile policy goal. but, if one wanted to do this, they would create policies to increase wages - not policies to increase lending.

let's keep in mind, as well, that trump is well-positioned to benefit from a bubble in real estate should he win, as he'll be selling off his assets soon as a part of his end-of-life preparation. he's 70 years old. he'll want to skyrocket the price of land, to sell high.