Tuesday, September 13, 2016

david axelrod has been very critical as well. and, note that obama himself waited until it was over before he endorsed her. i think what you're seeing is that that unity was never there in the first place, and that some people are concerned about various fundamentals.

if they thought she could win, they would wait until she wins and then worry about her stepping down. this is about not thinking she can win...

i don't know who they're thinking about floating, though. it's hard to see who they think would be better.

the reality is that biden wasn't even close in '08.


Jacob Davis
It's not that if she's sick it means she's mentally unstable. It's that depending on HOW SICK she is, she shouldn't be running for President. Otherwise we might be electing Tim Kaine President. ;)

see, if the higher ups thought that was actually going to happen, they'd just let it happen. that would be workable. and preferable to kicking her out in october.

this is pretty serious.