Thursday, January 5, 2017

but, let's be clear here: the reason obamacare sucks is not in spite of the market but because of it. that's what obamacare is: a free market healthcare system. and, that's why it sucks: because it's a free market healthcare system. threats from republicans to "create a free market heath care system" are actually incoherent - the whole point of obamacare was to use competition over the market to drive down premiums. but, a competitive market will never drive down premiums. that's a preposterous premise, based on the religion of free markets. and the failure of obamacare is nothing more or less complicated than a classic market failure.

there's only two possible approaches, here. you can acknowledge the market failure and move to a single payer system, or you can rebrand obamacare as donaldcare and pretend it's a different system. what they're going to do is the latter.

and, democrats should get out of the way and let them do it, then fight them over it to get to the right answer.