Tuesday, January 3, 2017

i just want to make something clear, because this is another thing that people get binary on.

i am neither pro-american, nor pro-russian, nor pro-chinese, nor pro-nato, nor pro-assad, nor pro-iran or even explicitly pro-canadian. but i am not explicitly anti-american, or anti-russian, or anti-chinese, or anti-israeli, or anti-arab or anti anything else, either.

i am explicitly anti-statist and anti-nationalist and anti-religious and anti-insularist, which means i am pro-people and pro-science and pro-secularism. and i suppose that opens me up to criticisms of being pro-western in some capacity, but only if you hold to the racist position that the other cultures on the planet are ignorant of science and incapable of progress. i would not seek to hold the arabs of the world to islamism any more than i would seek to hold europeans to christianity: i encourage them to move forwards. and, our shared history in greek philosophy rejects the premise that this is colonialism. likewise for eastern cultures, and even for indigenous ones.

i also want to point out that i would not correct you if you were to call me a globalist, even as i argue for an alternate concept of globalization that consolidates local economies and reduces global trade to necessities, if for no other reason than to reduce emissions. i was always alter, and never anti; the latter was always a strawman created by the media, and it's very sad to see how the projection eventually became a reality.

so, don't expect me to align with existing media narratives or pick sides in global conflicts. i'm not going to.

how about this for an analysis: the russians are weak, the americans are stupid and the chinese are capable and intelligent and calculated. these are not ethnic characteristics, but characteristics of the state. and, all of the states are evil. and, they're not obscure perceptions, either - even if i'm not interested in holding back punches at any target.