Sunday, January 1, 2017

i think i've made the point well enough. people think in binary, and they jump to conclusions.

when i tell you i'm an anarchist, i mean it. i know that this is rare; i'm painfully aware of how rare it is. but, i'm legit. and i'm sorry if that disappoints you, but, you know, fuck you, then.

i don't like liberals very much. i've never identified as one. i've made that clear at every step of the way. but, i find conservatives to be contemptible and enraging. i merely dislike liberals; i actively despise conservatives. i find that they rarely have any redeemable qualities at all.

i essentially never find myself in a situation where i look at a conservative and say "ok, we disagree on this pile of things, but we agree on this, so let's put aside our differences and focus on our agreements.". i really disagree with them categorically, on pretty much every basis you can imagine. when i do find a level of commonality with a conservative, it's almost always on rights issues - and almost always the case that the person in front of me is not a conservative at all.

so, i'm never going to buy into a synthesis, on a personal basis. i'm an agitator. i'm the thesis. i'm the visionary, trying to rip society apart at it's seams. i'm what pushes progress forward through time. and, conservatism is the force that pushes back against me.

it's absolute. really. if there was common ground, i'd take it; there isn't any.