Monday, January 9, 2017

well, one more thing.

the media coverage in canada - clueless as always - is giving donald trump a helping hand, here, in projecting the issue as off the table. if you just read the major newspapers, you're left to conclude that the americans have infinite leverage and we'll do whatever they want to keep the agreement.

it's bullshit. in their unwavering conservative bias, they're harming the country. again.

the actual reality is that nafta has never been popular here. the conservatives managed to split the vote in '88; in a direct plebiscite, it would have failed terribly. like, not even close. it would have been like 65-35 against free trade. but, we split the vote and it passed with a 40-30-30 split.

there are plenty of canadians that would love to see it go, including a substantial number of liberal voters and liberal party members.

i would call on the media to reflect this, in order to give canada a better negotiating position.