Sunday, February 12, 2017

i understand that this is a distraction. the hope is that the media will run with this story instead of the real one, which may be nasty. this will give them the opportunity to do some photo ops on terms that are mutually beneficial: trudeau gets to avoid bad press, and trump gets to reach out to a demographic he's no doubt apprehensive about, despite overperforming with in the last election.

....but, i hardly think that canada has anything positive to gain from discussing child care plans with the americans.

i can imagine a universal american child care plan. the way it would work would be that you pay an insurance company through your employer. your employer would then determine the basic rules about the plan. you would have the opportunity to buy in at different levels of coverage, and your rates would increase or decrease depending on how challenging care for your child is. children with pre-existing conditions would be unlikely to get coverage.

i think canadians should look to canadian models for successful social systems, and to american ones for warnings on failed systems that should be avoided. this would consequently actually be extremely scary, if it weren't so obviously contrived.