Sunday, February 19, 2017

i'm finding a few things that i maybe didn't miss but wasn't actually into, yet.

so, i missed pelican a few times, man man twice and there was a really glaring miss with genghis tron, but in all cases i wasn't into them yet, so i wouldn't say i "missed" them. on the other hand, if i was spending as much time scouring through show listings as i do now, i would have probably gone to those shows.

i can't find anything else that should be in the list and isn't. so, if it's not in the list, and you think it should be, you're misunderstanding me.

i'm still awake, and not tired, and that's good. the headache is cleared, but my nose is producing baskets of phlegm. i actually for real have yet another virus. so, i dunno what to do next. if i get a virus every time i leave the i have fucking aids, or something? i'm getting double checked, soon. it's probably not aids (i hope), but, like....leukemia? what else would cause me to get every possible virus i possibly can?

but i'm getting better, at least.

and, that really actually took all night :\.

i'm going to try to eat. i may fall asleep. i may get some work done.