Wednesday, February 1, 2017

the liberals were actually economic nationalists through most of the last century, and are still widely seen that way by voters. there was a struggle in the party. it is now clear that the neo-liberals have won. but, this was not made clear to anybody, and there was actually a lot of evidence suggesting otherwise.

canadians do not support neo-liberalism. again: i thought that trudeau had finally understood that. but, it seems that all he understood is that you need to campaign on the left in order to govern on the right. he could have turned the party around. instead, trudeau is going to suffer the same fate as paul martin and michael ignatieff for failing to learn from their mistakes.

again: i'm done. research your local green and ndp candidates; if they are good, register a protest vote. if not, don't vote at all and let the conservatives win. the liberals will learn one day....