Saturday, March 4, 2017

i tried to do this during the last election, but i'd actually like to see the ndp pick up on this point - and if they won't, i guess the conservatives doing so would at least introduce it into the discourse.

forget about scarves. you'll never get anywhere in canada by demanding that the state introduce a fashion police - all you're ever going to get is a combination of ridicule and scorn. and, i'll be the first person to point out that the premise of a state-sanctioned fashion police is truly idiotic.

but, there are legitimate integration concerns that need to be addressed and that the liberals are going to be unwilling to address, through a combination of pressure from below, a fear of being seen as anti-immigrant and just flat out denial.

so, instead of focusing on what muslims wear, why don't you focus on actual concerns in the community that need to be addressed, such as:

1) female circumcision. i've seen reports. this is a thing that is actually happening in canada, and needs to be stopped.
2) honour killings. this is something that also happens and needs special attention to prevent.
3) arranged marriages. this is not something that we should turn a blind eye to, either. the autonomy of the individual forbids this as tyrannical. liberals should be particularly aghast at the premise of one's parents determining who they marry.
4) domestic abuse. this is a broader, wider problem that extends beyond the immigrant community.
5) acceptance of non-standard sexualities. this is again a broader problem, but it is primarily an issue in communities that lack education, and turn to religion to fill a void.

it's the old cliche: not all conservatives are uneducated, but most uneducated people are conservatives. and, while it may be fitting for the conservatives to go after their own, i'd really hope that it's actually the left that stands up and puts together the necessary task forces and integration programs.